2023年3月31日をもちまして、SuitePRO V3で提供している「迷惑メール判定サービス」を、2023年3月31日をもちまして提供終了いたします。
これにより、OSイメージ「CentOS5(迷惑メールフィルタ対応)」を使用し、「迷惑メール判定サービス」をご利用の場合、2023年4月以降、SuitePRO V3で迷惑メールの判定が行われなくなります。メール送受信には影響ございません。
SuitePRO V3「迷惑メール判定サービス」提供終了について
Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9012] Connection to Brightmail server [111.222.333.444:41000 ID:0] DOWN. Will attempt to reconnect.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9012] Connection to Brightmail server [111.222.333.444:41000 ID:1] DOWN. Will attempt to reconnect.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9021] bmc_datapath_create: error connecting to server 111.222.333.444:41000: 1.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9021] bmc_datapath_create: error connecting to server 111.222.333.444:41000: 0.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9011] Unable to reconnect to server. [111.222.333.444:41000 ID:0].Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [13014] Unable to use socket.(115) Operation now in progress.Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: [Brightmail] (ERROR:30455.3077367520): [9011] Unable to reconnect to server. [111.222.333.444:41000 ID:1].Mar 17 19:25:30 km* scanmail[30455]: Brightmail error: could not initialize Brightmail message